Counselling and Focusing-Oriented Therapy

           Healing from the inside out

I offer a space in which whatever is causing you concern or distress can be explored together within the supportive context of a safe and confidential relationship.

If you are highly sensitive by nature, one of your great strengths is in your ability to feel and to go deep, finding your answers Inside. 

The way that I work honours this inward movement and my understanding that for highly sensitive people, we often need to go inside before we can come out

In your sessions with me you will have an opportunity to work at depth.

The experiential nature of this work is well suited to highly sensitive people who often have a gift for tracking subtleties, having access to rich inner worlds of feeling.

I work within the Person-Centred Experiential approach, which is informed by the understanding that each person is unique, and underlined by a profound faith in each individual’s innate capacity to heal from the inside out when met in a spirit of true respect and empathic valuing.

Areas of special interest: High sensitivity. Trauma. Identity. Belonging

If you are struggling with the experience of being highly sensitive I can help you.

Work with Me

I bring my sensitivity in to our work together to help you to make sense of your life situation from this deeper place in yourself.

Together, in one-to-one sessions with me, you will have the opportunity to explore

  • What being highly sensitive means for you.
  • How your own sensitivity works and the special qualities in that.
  • What your personal triggers are.
  • How to unfreeze the hurt places.
  • How to experience fresh ways of being and fresh ways of living that more truly reflect who you are and what you personally need in order to thrive.

Through this work you will have the opportunity to become rooted in a much deeper understanding of your own story, feeling strengthened by the knowledge that you CAN trust your highly attuned responses to life.

My greatest joy arises in the depth of this work when we are able to follow the flow of your experience in such a way that a healing direction emerges and, with it, the deeper truths that underpin those places where you have believed yourself to be less than you are.  

I offer a Complimentary 50 Minute Initial Consultation. To book yours click here

This gives us an opportunity to meet each other and to explore what is bringing you here. Most essentially, you can use your highly attuned senses to discern whether you would feel comfortable doing this important work with me.

In the course of my counselling with you I faced how much I had been carrying around with me for years and with your help I was able to make sense of it layer by layer. I feel so much clearer now and like a huge weight has been lifted off me. Thank you!

             Client testimonial